Where did the virus come from?
On Jauary 25, 2003, the Slammer Computer Virus was created by David Litchman but someone had used it as a template. He created it and made sure to tell companies of the issuse; although, not all companies made protections.
What are the symtoms?
Although there aren't many "symtoms" for Slammer, many people who did experience the virus had their computer's memory not save itself and servers crashed along with 9-1-1 and ATM machines.
How can the virus be transmitted?
Slammer generates random IP addresses and if they are not protected by the virus, said computer will now have the virus.
How contagious is the virus?
It spread to 8.5 computers per second.
Where are the most new cases being reported?
Although the United States was hit hard, South Korea took the most damage. No new incidents have occured since the outbreak.
How does this virus compare to past ones?
Slammer was ranked the fastest growing virus ever and it was ranked 8th in the top ten most destructive virsus.
How many computers were impacted and how many can be impacted?
Over 250,000 were impacted by the virus and technically, any SQL databases could be affected by the worm though most of them use something other than SQL.